Staffing Firm Membership Benefits |
Staffing Firm MembershipThe New Jersey Staffing Alliance (NJSA) is a powerful business partner for your company's growth and success. Our current membership includes over 150 staffing firms and industry partners from both small and national staffing companies. Membership is expanding because of the unique benefits only NJSA offers. Membership BenefitsMake a business investment that will increase your bottom line. Join the NJSA now and gain a competitive edge over non-membership companies. Our members learn how to lower the costs of doing business, and help their company to realign its corporate strategy in a constantly shifting staffing environment and job market. They also receive tolis on how to grow their business by developing a temporary staffing, direct hire, or executive search staffing division, and joining an organization that can enhance their firm's reputation. NJSA members have access to the following benefits:
If you are ready to align your company with a powerful partner, become an NJSA member today! Want more information on NJSA?Would you like us to reach out to you about NJSA Membership? Complete the information below and we will contact you soon to discuss NJSA!
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