Become a recognized, valued STAFFING INDUSTRY PARTNER with your NJSA Associate Membership!
NJSA Industry Partners receive:
- Immediate listing in our Industry Partner Directory, accessible to everyone from the front page of our website – – where you can have your logo, contact info, active email and website addresses as well as a brief service and product marketing message.
- A complete address and contact list of the NJSA member firms with contact name, emails and phone numbers once a year from NJSA.
- Use the NJSA logo and your NJSA membership as part of your marketing campaign to New Jersey’s staffing industry.
- Attend all NJSA functions and programs at member rates and network with clients and potential clients.
- Ability to sponsor NJSA events (non-member companies are not permitted to sponsor)
- Meet monthly with NJSA’s other Industry Partners and network with them to develop additional business opportunities in both staffing and other industries, as well as jointly developing other strategies increasing the value of your NJSA Industry partner Investment!
NJSA wants to be an important part of your marketing plan!
- NJSA offers an online Member Savings Program, which allows industry partners to advertise discounts and promotions that are exclusive to members of NJSA.
- NJSA publishes a monthly newsletter to its member firms and non-member prospects, providing Industry Partners an opportunity to contribute articles to the newsletter.
- Sponsor and participate in NJSA’s Annual Executive Leadership Conference – a superior and unique opportunity to network and build relationships with the Industry’s leaders.
- NJSA holds an Annual Conference – a full-day of training attracting over 100 attendees – providing an excellent exhibit and sponsorship opportunity for our Industry Partners. This is the only gathering of its kind for staffing firms in New Jersey where you can get your message out!
- Sponsor one or more of our educational programs – a cost-effective marketing investment!
- You can participate and be a sponsor at our Annual Golf Outing – golfers know what a great networking opportunity 18 holes of golf can be!
- If you host webinars, seminars and workshops in NJ that would be valuable to NJSA’s members, then NJSA will market your programs for its membership.
As a NJSA Industry Partner,
- You will be making a commitment to New Jersey’s Staffing Industry that every staffing firm can recognize and appreciate.
- You will have an immediate introduction to NJSA member firms who are the leaders of New Jersey’s staffing industry.
- With NJSA’s website, programs, membership drive efforts and publication of newsletters and emails to members and non-members, you will have access to dozens member firms and thousands of other non-member prospects in New Jersey.
- All of this for an annual membership of only $995!
- Become a NJSA industry Partner today and help make our staffing industry and your firm more successful!
Join NJSA Today
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Tuesday, April 01, 2025 8:00 AM
Skylark Diner, 17 Wooding Avenue, Edison, NJ
Friday, April 25, 2025 12:00 PM
Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, April 30, 2025
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City, NJ
Monday, January 31, 2022 2:01 PM
Sunday, December 05, 2021 9:12 AM
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 5:24 PM